Rebecca's Results

Name: Rebecca
Age: 51
How long have you been a member of BYB?
18 months.
What problem were you experiencing before joining Boost Your Body, what made you join us?
Years and years of weight yo-yoing, but mainly going up, having tried loads of different diets and nothing working, or at least not long term. Ended up feeling confused by all the information and misinformation, whilst doing little exercise and losing control of nutrition.
Especially since having had a hysterectomy and being forced into full-on menopause, I felt sad, out-of-control, and low in energy and self-confidence. I'd known really for some time that I wasn't going to be able to tackle it on my own, but took me a long time to summon up the gumption start looking for help.
What has changed for you since you joined Boost Your Body?
Identified a gluten sensitivity, and since going gluten free have had so much more energy I felt like I'd been plugged in and charged up! - and also found it easier to lose fat. I no longer get bloated, or the regular feelings of nausea that I had thought were just one of those things.
Dropped 2/3 dress sizes, and experienced the improved self-confidence that goes along with being closer to how I want to look.
Felt fitter, healthier and stronger than I had in years.
I genuinely feel that the increased energy and confidence also enabled me to take the leap to leaving my job and setting up my own business. I really might not have done it if I was still feeling fat and low-energy, in the way that I was before BYB.
I feel like I'm succeeding at exercise, having previously convinced myself that it wasn't for me! And it turns out exercise can be fun!
Around 18 months on and I have slipped a bit from time to time, but BYB gives me the accountability and the tools to get back on track. So even if I'm having a phase of doing less well with my nutrition, I know I can get it back under control, and I don't just give myself over to old habits.
What would you say to anyone considering joining Boost Your Body and would you recommend it? If so, why?
Definitely do it! Even, or especially, if you feel like you've already tried everything and you have reservations about whether it will work for you. There is proper knowledge and experience behind the approach, and this will be adapted to create something person-centred and individual that will work for you.
Alex and the team are friendly and easy to be around, and have made the whole experience lively and fun, without ever making me feel like it's all too young and bouncy! We do have a laugh. And this is coming from someone who never thought they would say such a thing!